
Tuxedo's “downtown” area of businesses, public buildings, and residences has grown considerably in its 130-year life, but it came into existence almost overnight as a collection of services for the residents of Tuxedo Park and homes for their employees.  Lorillard's Tuxedo Park Association had its offices here, along with Tuxedo's post office, train station, library, and several businesses, all built within a few months of one another, concurrent with the construction of Tuxedo Park, and conveniently located just outside the Park's main entrance.

Churches and a school soon followed, with a public school built along Orange Turnpike (now NY Route 17). The school soon outgrew this original facility and moved to its current location opposite the firehouse. A hospital was built on a hill in the hamlet, and operated as such into the 1980's, since which time the building has been modified and expanded into housing for seniors, some of whom are lifelong Tuxedo residents.